Sometimes you have to make the ultimate decision on whether you can or cannot keep your pet. Before making that decision, please read our articles under Need Help above. FLASh or another entity may be able to assist. If not, please consider using Rehome.
If you are still considering surrendering your pet, before bringing him/her to a shelter (bringing your pet to the shelter should always be your LAST resort.) please consider using Rehome. Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit home-to-home adoption program designed to assist you in finding a safe and loving home for your pet. It will connect your pet to millions of interested adopters. The site guides you through creating a pet profile, adding all the important information about your pet. You can review applications and meet adopters all through this wonderful resource. And the Rehome team is right there to assist you at any time.
Why shouldn't I give my pet away free to a good home?
While it may sound like a good idea to give your pet away for free, adoption fees serve several purposes:
- Help ensure that the adopter understands and is able to meet the financial responsibilities of owning a pet.
- Prevent “bunchers” (people who acquire pets from “Free to Good Home” ads and sell them to medical research laboratories) from getting their hands on your pet.
- Charging an adoption fee also aims to weed out people who might be looking for a free animal to use as a fighting dog, or as bait for fighting dogs.
Rehome donates 100% of the adoption fee to FLASh if you refer us.
Please consider using Rehome if you need to find your pet a new home.